Our Program Administrator
In 2015, WTP provided coverage to over 9.5 million business and leisure travellers with specialised services in medical emergency (including evacuation or repatriation), health, travel safety and travel assistance.
WTP’s mission is to make customer’s unexpected moments better. As an international services team WTP has the ability to assist plan members in a wide variety of situations and locations, from a lost bag in Miami, to performing life-saving evacuations off of Mt. Everest in June 2016. Its mission is to be there, wherever and whenever our customers need us most.
As a member of IAG, WTP works with a network of global assistance providers to better service customers in a wide variety of locations throughout the world. Through IAG, we are able to leverage the local knowledge and experience of more than 60 offices worldwide including more than 9,700 industry specialists to offer high-quality assistance services 24 hours a day. This means that you can travel anywhere in the world and WTP can help.